Happy Pi Day! In celebration of this day, we’ve put together a list of books to read no matter what pie you’re celebrating with.

Apple Pie & Sarah’s War* by Eugenia Lovett West

What’s more American than apple pie? Perhaps a story about a young Patriot woman during the American Revolution, going undercover to flirt information out of Loyalist soldiers will pique your interest if you love this classic American treat.

Banana Cream Pie &The Circus Thief by Alane Adams

One of the most iconic gags in a circus clown’s repertoire is a pie in the face. It never fails to get an audience to laugh. Traditionally, these pies are banana cream. Whether you decide to eat the pie or smash it on someone’s face, it’s a perfect pair with a circus story.

Southern Tomato Pie & Above the Star by Alexis Marie Chute

Before Archie, Tessa, and Ella end up in Jarr-Wya, they are in the Spanish Canary islands, where the main export is tomatoes. While some people might hear tomato pie and think pizza, this dish is actually made with a traditional pie crust. It’s an unlikely pie for a story with unlikely heroes.

Shepherd’s Pie & The House Children* by Heidi Daniele

This savory pie originated in England and Ireland. It was also called cottage pie because the poor lived in cottages, and it was made out of the types of food they could afford, like potatoes, which make up the crust. The characters in The House Children would have likely eaten Shepherd’s pie.

Huckleberry Pie & The Leaving Year by Pam McGaffin

Huckleberries grow in Northwest US and Canada, from Wyoming to Alaska, the exact region whereThe Leaving Yeartakes place. Huckleberry pie was a favorite of Samuel Clements, aka Mark Twain, inspiring the name Huckleberry Finn. Like Huckleberry, Ida runs away from home after something happens with her father.

Shoofly Pie & Hindsight by Mindy Tarquini

We have the Pennsylvania Dutch to thank for shoofly pie. The name (literally) stuck because the sweet, sticky molasses attracted flies that had to be “shooed” away. A bite of shoofly pie feels like a step into a former life, and in Hindsight, which takes place in Pennsylvania, the protagonist can remember her past lives.

Lemon Meringue & The Equal Night Trilogy by Stacey L. Tucker

A lemon meringue pie has two fillings: a sour lemon one on bottom, and a sweet meringue on top. These two are both delicious separately, but work much better together. Similarly, In Ocean’s Fire, two delicious worlds—our reality and that of the Great Mothers, are layered together to create a delectable story. The second book, Alchemy’s Air, is out May 2019.

Pirok (Russian Salmon Pie) & Blonde Eskimo by Kristen Hunt

Pirok is the Alaskan adoption of a traditional Russian salmon pie. Blonde Eskimo follows an Eskimo girl as she discovers the reality of the legends she has heard her whole life. This warm meal to stave off Alaska’s chilly arctic nights would have been a great comfort to her—and will be to you—as she goes about her adventure.

Blueberry Pie & The Cast by Amy Blumenfeld

The Cast throws together a group of adults who were best friends in high school over the Fourth of July. Blueberry pie is the (unofficial) Fourth of July dessert, so why not delight in the unravelling of secrets and lives while you delight in this sweet (and sometimes tart) treat?


*not out yet, but available for preorder now