Prior to COVID-19, most author events followed a very predictable pattern: you could expect an energized reading—or maybe even a moderated discussion between a couple authors—followed by a chance for audience members to ask questions.

Nowadays though, virtual author events are the norm, hosted through platforms like Zoom, YouTube Live, Twitch Livestream, and more. The virtual landscape presents several benefits, offering more accessibility options, allowing you to invite people from all around the world, and saving you travel and venue costs.

However, virtual events also pose a unique set of challenges as well. For example, it can be difficult to translate the in-person author event format to an online space. And it can also be difficult to recreate that in-person feeling of human connection when reading your work aloud to a screen of muted participants. Because of this, we encourage authors to reimagine the traditional author event. Say goodbye to predictable agendas and get creative with your virtual event.

With the power of technology at your hands, there are a ton of new opportunities you can offer that wouldn’t work at an in-person venue. To help inspire your author event planning, we’ve highlighted a few fun and engaging ideas below.

1. Incorporate a craft or activity.

Consider planning a craft or activity related to your new book for your author event. This idea works especially well if you are publishing a children’s book. For inspiration, take a look at this author event for Sometimes a Wall. During the event, author Dianne White and illustrator Barroux teamed up for virtual story time. They also sent downloadable coloring pages for the kiddos to color during the event. Using a similar idea, Mo Willems, an author of several children’s books, hosted a three-week lunchtime art tutorial series called “Lunch Doodles with Mo Willems.”

Although this event idea works best for children, you might think of a way to incorporate this idea into your author event if you have an adult audience as well. For example, if your character paints, sketches, or folds origami, it might be a fun idea to invite an artist to build a tutorial into your online event.

2. Offer a multi-topic book tour.

If you want to host a few events throughout a book tour, consider discussing a new theme or chatting with a different fellow author in each book tour “stop.” Since these events are virtual, people can attend whichever theme interests them most. Veronica Roth used this strategy to promote her latest novel, Chosen Ones. In each book tour stop, Roth chatted with a different author or industry professional about various topics including publishing, brainstorming strategies, and more.


3. Give a behind-the-scenes tour.

If you’re hosting your author event over a video conferencing tool like Zoom or Instagram Live, think about giving your participants a tour of your writing space. Show your readers where the literary magic happens! Using your webcam, you can show your fans your office, how you organize your workspace, or that giant stack of books you used for your research. Inspired by MTV Cribs, the Ivy Bookshop hosted an entire series of author events in this format, such as this event featuring Don Winslow.

4. Host an online game.

Between polls, trivia, and screen-sharing, you can get creative with your author event by adding a competitive component. While there are several directions you could take virtual games, you might find podcaster Oliver Gee’s “The Great Paris Pub Quiz” inspirational. Authors can use themes or settings from their new books to inspire trivia or pub quiz questions. For example, if your book takes place during the American Revolutionary War, you could do history trivia. If you decide to host an online game, you might brainstorm ideas for what sort of reward you can offer the winner, such as a free signed copy of your new book or a gift card to your favorite bookstore.

5. Have one-on-one book signing chats.

To preserve the feeling of personal connection, you can have one-on-one book signing conversations, where you sign books while chatting with readers over the web. You can use individual video chat reservations, Zoom waiting rooms, direct messaging, or chat boxes to help manage the book signings. Check out Cherry Dollface’s video below for an explanation of how she managed her virtual book signing event.


6. Prepare a live cooking demonstration.

If you are preparing a book launch for your latest cookbook, this is the perfect virtual event for you! Take participants into the kitchen and walk them through the steps of one of your favorite recipes from your book. You might find Melissa Clark’s virtual cooking class helpful for more ideas as you plan this event. Even if you aren’t publishing a cookbook, you might be able to use this idea in your author event. For example, you might show readers how to make a dish featured in your novel. Or, you might create a cocktail recipe inspired by your book to share with your participants.

7. Invite participants to a themed party.

To create a more personal experience, develop a party theme that readers can prepare for. For example, Cameron Lund hosted a virtual pizza party via Instagram Live where she encouraged readers to wear comfy clothes and munch on pizza while she chatted with a couple of her favorite authors. Similarly, you might invite readers to a coffee date, literary costume party, or BYOB happy hour. This casual approach to an author event can create a feeling of intimacy and community despite the physical boundary.

8. Create a Reddit AMA

Short for “Ask Me Anything,” Reddit AMA’s are a good choice for anyone who feels anxious about the thought of using video conferencing tools. These online forums give readers a chance to ask questions about your book or writing process as you celebrate the launch of your new book. Authors have been using this tool for years, so there are a number of helpful guides for this author event format.


What innovative virtual author events have you enjoyed this year? Please share your experiences or further suggestions in the comments below!