Fanfiction defined: Fictional writing that is based on the canon of different “fandoms”— particular books, movies, television series, or even real-life celebrities and bands. If you want to know more information on the details of what fanfiction is, read about it here

The pandemic has separated us from face-to-face interactions, but we do not have to socially distance ourselves from our favorite characters. Fanfiction is a rising favorite pastime during the COVID-19 epidemic. It is bringing people together in a time when we cannot physically be together.

Why has Fanficiton become so popular during the Coronavirus epidemic?


One of the most appealing aspects of fandoms is that they are tight-knit communities. Even though most interactions evolve online, the immersive world of fanfiction is truly a social and communal world. During the pandemic, most of the world’s enjoyment depends on the internet and fanfiction is climbing its way to the top levels of comfort for these weird times. This type of art form allows you to participate in a community while still following CDC guidelines. So, while we confine ourselves indoors, through fanfiction we create an experience outside the reality of our world.

Fandom = Escape

Psychologist Neel Burton says people with anxiety tend to watch the same TV series, movies and re-read the same books. This is because they know the outcome and creates a good feeling of nostalgia. It is less stressful to know what is coming. So, during a time of chaos and steering the world into the unknown, it is completely understandable for people to retreat to familiar worlds and characters that comfort them. Maybe you are binge-watching Netflix and want a little more of the world you’ve been glued to for the past three days; fanfiction lets you immerse yourself into those worlds.

The pandemic forcibly detached us from “normal” life. This causes our bodies to experience a sense of grief or loss. Fanfiction motivates emotional responses and helps us experience the comfort of familiarity. Reinstating those feelings from our day-to-day interactions with people. Reading an apocalyptic or dystopian novel might not bring the level of comfort that you’re looking for in a pandemic. The idea of a less plot-driven and more romantically involved fanfiction might seem more attractive.

Inspiring Creativity

Fanfiction lets you read about your favorite characters, expanding the world and connection that you have to books and film. Reading a story of your favorite character overcoming a hard situation offers a comforting strength to know that you can, too. It also allows us to take reality into our own hands and make it into whatever we want it to be. Universes and characters are not usually open for modifications in their own world. So, we take elements of a story that already exist and make them our own. The tagging system engineered into the Fanfiction databases also makes it easier to find what you’re looking for. You curate the experience to your own benefit. It is a type of wish fulfillment. Fanfiction is a way to respond to others and their wants, versus a one-on-one response between author and reader.

Fanfiction is read and felt and imagined individually—but it is experienced by the community you have immersed yourself in. The stories are more personal because they are written for like-minded people. It is a communal experience, but one that is very personal, too. Fanfiction creates a supportive environment, nurturing people in their time of need. It is also a huge aid in identity development, as it harnesses creativity and self-expression.


Be Careful, Though …

Your brain is set up, subconsciously, to not get overwhelmed. This is why we constantly look outside our world for comfort when disaster strikes. Escaping our reality to the fantastical universes in books and media is easy and comforting. However, it can lead to some delusional thinking in extreme circumstances. Some studies show how the media we consume shapes our view of the world. People who watch crime shows might be convinced there’s danger lurking around every corner. It is important to remember if you are reading about a character played by a real-life person, fanfiction may portray them differently than how they are in real life.

Completely disappearing to these different realities can also promote neglect for problems, or even heighten them. Fanfiction should not be written to hurt those who read it, but sometimes there are harmful aspects to it. So, just take caution and make sure to check out the tags for any trigger warnings.


The point is, while escapism is great in theory, it is important to note that you cannot completely dissociate from the world. In order to make the changes we dream of and write about in fanfiction, you have to somewhat keep one foot in the real world.