Now that 2022 is finally here, it’s a great time to start the next big project that will make this year one to remember. It’s no secret that everyone in the writing community setting out to write a novel this year starts in the same place by brainstorming. So let’s explore some fun ways to get writers started on their next project for the National Novel Writing Month this year!

Develop a story!

The first step to brainstorming a new story is for writers to narrow down what genre or topic is the most appealing to them. It could also start with a single character that keeps popping up or a world, and from there, the story revolves around those key components. 

Believe it or not, there are books out there without a significant plot in mind, making the writing process more complicated in the long run. However, all it takes is an idea with a passion for the story to come to fruition. One idea that will mean a great deal to the writer who devotes all their time and energy to the next novel they want to write. As long as the ideas are there, outlining the story and writing it will become much more manageable. 

Write a summary with the story in mind.

Many authors say that before they start creating outlines, it’s important to write a summary of their book to create a concentrated focus on what the plot will ultimately be. Once writers have that summary in mind, it’s easier to stay the course until the very end of the novel. Most writers find guidance on how to write a good, concise summary on the back of books. It helps to think of a summary posing as a reminder to help guide the writing process once the story begins developing. 

What are you passionate about? 

Asking the question, “what am I passionate about?” can apply to several genres, giving a wide berth of options to choose from. 

For example, suppose high fantasy is a genre a writer is particularly passionate about, and they wish to write a novel revolving around it. In that case, it’s a good chance that it is time to begin focusing on that specific genre. 

One of the best ways for writers to broaden their knowledge of the genre is by reading more books and taking notes of the writing style and world-building that make up most high fantasy novels. Of course, the same can apply to all other literary genres out there!

Grow a complex world with strong characters.

The step in creating a solid plot is by writing realistic characters coexisting in a vast, colorful world around them. There is no right or wrong on how to create a character, although it’s essential to narrow down who will be the protagonists, antagonists, and supporting characters in the story. Here are some of the ways characters can be distinguished by the writer and readers too:

Create a list of physical attributes to distinguish each character:

  1. The color of their hair
  2. Physique
  3. Height
  4. Eye color
  5. Speech
  6. Mannerisms 

Create a list of conflicts they may face that would make their situation unique:

  1. Internal conflicts are the obstacles characters face, including insecurities, fears, trauma, and more. Internal conflicts are mainly created to develop character growth throughout the story.
  2. External conflicts are easier to narrow down as they consist of physical challenges such as antagonists, obstacles, or responsibilities hindering the main character that cause them turmoil.

The foundations to creating a world can be applied in a similar fashion to how we create characters. By including a list of details such as government, magical systems (if referring to fantasy), species, religions, and more. 

For more examples, check out this World-building article on SparkPress.

How to prep for a new project without losing track of time.

While writing is enthralling and a good way to escape everyday life, it can also be highly time-consuming, often taking away from daily responsibilities that can pile up over time if neglected too long. 

Here are a few tips to successfully manage writing time while also taking care of oneself:

  1. Stock up the fridge and plan meals accordingly for the week if it will prove to be a busy one.
  2. Prioritize keeping a clean working space throughout the day.
  3. Set up a goal: whether it’s writing 2,000 words a day or writing for half an hour, setting a daily goal will help encourage the writer to reach the finish line before focusing on other tasks.
  4. Keep all distractions away while working in a comfortable setting (including turning off the television and setting the phone on silent!). If in a public area, plugging in some headphones and listening to a playlist could help minimize distractions.
  5. Last but not least, self-care is a must! It could be anything from taking a walk, reading, prioritizing skincare, or going out for a cup of coffee. Taking time out of the day to wind down after a long writing session can help restart the brain and bring in more creativity when it’s time to start writing again.