Are you thinking about joining a writing group? You might be wondering if these groups will help you with your writing process, or if it would be a waste of your time. It’s worth noting that some writers absolutely love these groups, while other writers steer clear of these groups altogether. The quiz below will help you determine if joining a writing group is right for you.

Directions: Pick the answers that best match your experiences and feelings. Then score your quiz using the evaluation key below to see how compatible you are with writing groups!

1. Do you struggle to keep a consistent writing practice?

a. Not really, I almost always write for one hour every morning before the kids wake up.

b. Im usually pretty good about writing every week, but some weeks this falls through the cracks. Cest la vie!

c. Guilty! I could definitely benefit from peers holding me accountable.

2. Do you want to learn about the publishing industry alongside peers?

a. Im more focused on getting this manuscript finished right now. No distractions, please!

b. I already know quite a bit about the publishing industry, but Im open to learning more and teaching people what I’ve picked up over the years.

c. Yes, yes, yes! I have so much more to learn about this industry!

3. Do you have friends that can relate to your day-to-day writing experiences?

a. Definitely! I have a couple old college friends I’ll chat with whenever one of us is stuck on our novel.

b. I always talk my friends’ ears off whenever I reach a writing goal, but Im not sure they really understand what these successes mean to me.

c. I love her, but the other day I asked my best friend for feedback on my first chapter, and her only comment was, I like it!”

4. Are you a busy bee?

a. I am the QUEEN busy bee. Please provide at least two weeks’ notice for all social event invitations.

b. I am pretty busy, but I can almost always squeeze in a meeting here and there.

c. Nope! Im a hard worker, but I have a fairly open schedule.

5. Do you enjoy reading and critiquing others’ work?

a. I worry that my feedback will sound harsh and judgmental, so I try to keep my comments short and sweet.

b. Critiquing others’ writing is a little outside of my comfort zone, but Im ready to embrace the challenge.

c. Yes! I love the interesting conversations that come from giving feedback. I always feel like my peer and I learn so much from this discussion.

6. Are you open to hearing others’ reactions and thoughts about your writing?

a. Only if their thoughts and reactions are insightful. I dont have energy for stupid feedback.

b. I have very little confidence in my writing, so all feedback is much appreciated, and I will try to incorporate every comment.

c. I keep an open mind to all feedback and try to understand the underlying issues my peers’ feedback reveals. I might not incorporate all the suggestions, but I value understanding how an audience reacts to my writing.

7. Do you work well in a group setting?

a. I always dreaded group projects when I was in school, so I cant say I love working in a group.

b. Sure! There are always some people that are more difficult to work with, but Im usually pretty good at navigating these social scenarios.

c. I love working in groups! I always do my best work in collaborative environments.

8. Are you willing to dedicate your time and energy to finding a group that actually matches your needs?

a. How much time and energy are we talking? Why cant I just join a group that has a convenient meeting time?

b. I’ll spend an hour or so doing my research, but I think Im pretty adaptable and could work well in most groups.

c. Yes, its important to me that I find a group where I feel comfortable sharing my work. As a mystery writer, its also important to me that at least some members write in this genre.

Quiz Evaluation

To score your quiz, give yourself 0 points for each “a” answer, 1 point for each “b” answer, and 2 points for each “c” answer. Your results are below.

00-08 points: Writing groups probably won’t match your writing needs. You might appreciate meeting with writer friends in a less formal or organized atmosphere.

09-12 points: You might enjoy writing groups. Spend some extra time reflecting on which type of writing group best fits your needs before you browse the web for groups in your area.

13-16 points: You should definitely consider joining a writing group. It looks like this opportunity is super compatible with your personality and writing process.

Want more information? Check out this post about the pros and cons of joining a writing group.