The second Tuesday of November is Young Readers Day, a day all about promoting literacy in young children. There are many ways to celebrate this day, with or without children of your own. Here are a few to get you started.

  1. Visit your local library

Libraries are essential to promoting literacy, but they are often underfunded, underutilized, and deemed unnecessary in today’s world. The more libraries are used, the more importance they are given. Visiting your local library and checking out a book is a small way that you can help keep it in business.

  1. Volunteer to read to kids

Lots of libraries and schools can use volunteers to read to kids. If you like to read aloud, this is a great way to help get kids excited about reading. Who knows? If you enjoy it, perhaps you’ll become a regular reader.

  1. Donate lightly used books

Have any lightly used books that your kids have grown out of? Donate them! Schools, libraries, daycare centers, homeless shelters, and more could really use books for their children. A quick google search should help you find recipients who would greatly appreciate the books.

  1. Buy new children’s books

They say change starts at home. Instill a love of reading in your own children at an early age by keeping them surrounded by books and letting their imaginations wander. Plus, if you donated all your old books, you’re going to need some new ones. Fortunately, here at SparkPress, we have quite a few books for children of all ages.

For your toddlers:

The Circus Thief by Alane Adams

The circus is in town, and Georgie has his heart set on going. When Papa agrees to take him and his friend Harley, the boys marvel at the amazing elephants and clowns. But the best act of all is the amazing Roxie, a trained horse who can do all sorts of tricks. When Georgie is invited to ride on her back, he discovers it’s her last show—Roxie is going to be sent to the work farm! When Roxie bolts with Georgie on her back, Papa must come to his rescue.

For your middle-grade readers:

The Thorn Queen by Elise Holland

When twelve-year-old Meylyne falls from a tree onto Glendoch’s sickly prince, she must flee or face imprisonment in the Shadow-Cellars. The only way she may return home is with a cure for the prince’s peculiar disease. Convinced she will perish, Meylyne and her companions embark on their journey—and before they know it, they are knee-deep in a plot to sink Glendoch into shadow, like other worlds before it. Poisoned guardians, cursed wizards, and cunning witch-spirits bound into wands are just some of the dangers that dot the way of their travels.

The Blue Witch by Alane Adams

Nine-year-old Abigail Tarkana is determined to grow up to be the greatest witch of all, even greater than her evil ancestor Catriona. Unfortunately, she is about to fail Spectacular Spells class because her witch magic hasn’t come in yet. Even worse, her nemesis, Endera, is making life miserable by trying to get her kicked out. When her new friend Hugo’s life is put in danger by a stampeding sneevil, a desperate Abigail manages to call up her magic—only to find out it’s unlike any other witchling’s at the Tarkana Witch Academy! Witchfire is meant to be green, but Abigail’s burns bright blue, something that’s bound to get her into trouble.

For your teens:

The Leaving Year by Pam McGaffin

As the Summer of Love comes to an end, 15-year-old Ida Petrovich waits for a father who never comes home. While commercial fishing in Alaska, he is lost at sea, but with no body and no wreckage, Ida and her mother are forced to accept a “presumed” death that tests their already strained relationship. While still in shock over the loss of her father, Ida overhears an adult conversation that shatters everything she thought she knew about him. This prompts her to set out on a search for the truth that takes her from her Washington State hometown to Southeast Alaska, where she works at a salmon cannery, develops love for a Filipino classmate, and befriends a Native Alaskan girl. In this wild, rugged place, she also begins to understand the physical and emotional bonds that took her father north and why he kept them secret—a journey of discovery that ultimately brings her family together and helps them heal. Insightful and heartfelt, The Leaving Year is a tale of love and loyalty, family and friendship, and the stories we tell ourselves in our search for meaning.

Above the Star by Alexis Marie Chute

When frumpy senior citizen Archie goes in search of his missing son in the Spanish Canary Islands, he stumbles upon a higher mission: locating a magical cure for his ailing fourteen-year-old granddaughter, Ella. Using a portal-jumping device called the Tillastrion, Archie and a stone-headed creature named Zeno are transported to Jarr-Wya, a magnificent yet terrifying island in a connected realm—along with Ella and her strong-willed mother, Tessa, who accidentally stow away on this not-so-secret quest. What they find on Jarr-Wya is an island tortured by a wicked Star anchored in the sea, and a raging three-way battle for dominion between the stone-wielding Bangols, the fiery Olearons, and the evil Millia sands. Ella’s wit and resourcefulness emerge in this new world, while Tessa is forced to confront her long-buried secrets and a confusing new love triangle. When Ella is captured, Tessa and Archie—with the help of a company of peculiar allies—set out to save her and unravel the terrible mystery of her cure.

But Not Forever by Jan Von Schleh

Could she be everything you aren’t, but somehow—still be you?

It’s the year 2015 and Sonnet McKay is the daughter of a globe-trotting diplomat, home for the summer from her exotic life. Everything would be perfect if not for her stunning sister, whose bright star has left her in the shadows. In 1895, Emma Sweetwine is trapped in a Victorian mansion, dreaming of wings to fly her far from her mother, who gives her love to her sons, leaving nothing for her daughter. Fate puts them in the same house at the same moment, 120 years apart, and the identical fifteen-year-olds are switched in time. In their new worlds, Sonnet falls in love with a boy, Emma falls in love with a life, and astonishing family secrets are revealed. Torn, both girls want to still go home— but can either one give up what they now have?But Not Forever is an enchanting story of love and longing, and the heart’s ultimate quest to find where it belongs.