A library is a magical place. Readers can check out books for free, read them, and exchange them for new ones. It is the gift that keeps on giving and provides people with an almost unlimited amount of reading material.


April 16th marks National Librarian Day. It is set aside to honor the librarians at the local libraries. They are essential in keeping all the books organized, helping patrons in their searches, obtaining sought-after works, and introducing people to new reads.


Here are some ways you can support your local library to celebrate this national day:

1. Become a donating member of your local library.

Support your local library by becoming a supporting member. A supporting member helps a library by donating monthly or yearly. This allows the library to stay open and offer their free services to the public. Some libraries have different types of memberships, depending on how much you are able to give. It truly makes a difference and is a great way to thank your community.

2. Show up to vote.

Paying attention to local politics is important; a new law or decision could affect your library, both positively and negatively. It is important to show up on their behalf and vote.

3. Volunteer at the library.

Libraries can always use volunteers. It is a lot of work to shelve books, notify patrons of holds, and help others find what they need. Working in the stacks can be a lot of fun and very rewarding. Check out your local library’s website or ask a librarian in person if they’re looking for volunteers and how to apply.

4. Get involved in the community.

Get to know your library community and make friends. An easy way to do this is to join a book club. Check out the libraries nearest to you to see if they have any book clubs—some might be genre or age-specific. If they don’t have one for you, talk to a librarian and see if you can start your own!

5. Tag them on social media.

Libraries are a hotspot for Bookstagram. Take a cute photo of all the beautiful books and tag your library in it! Not only will it draw others to the library, but it also highlights how great the place is. Plus, who doesn’t love a good book picture?

6. Shop at library book sales.

A few times a year, some libraries will have a big book sale with proceeds going to the library. It’s a great time to shop for new books, get to know the librarians, and just have a good time with other booklovers. Check on your local library website for the dates of their next sale. Or better yet, ask a librarian what you can do to help!

7. Donate books.

A library can never have too many books. Instead of throwing out your old reads or giving them to Goodwill, consider donating them to your library. It not only helps support them but gives other people the chance to read new books. You never know who might be inspired by one of your old stories.

Overall, the best way to support your local library is to simply just go and check out books. That is what a library is for and as long as there are people there to love books, it will flourish. Be sure to thank your librarian next time you see them for all the hard work they do!